Product Eligibility

Who We Are

Eligible Products:

A product is eligible for the review if it meets the following criteria:

The product must be sold in Canada

It must be a non-prescription product

The product must have at least one of the following elements:

  • A DIN or NHP number
  • A proven scientific benefit for consumers with skin, hair and nail conditions including products with claims for treatment of sensitive skin, or being hypoallergenic.
  • There is other scientific evidence to support the claims.

Ineligible Products:

The following products will be considered ineligible for a review:

Prescription products

Products not available in Canada

Products that have incomplete clinical information

Products that are deemed by the Dermatology Review Panel to be inconsistent with the mission and integrity of this program

Medical devices

In the event of any inconsistency between the terms of the Agreement and this brochure, the terms of the Agreement will govern.