Many consumers are confused by claims made regarding consumer products, especially skin care products.
The Dermatology Review Panel™, a division of DRP Dermatology Inc. ("DRP") has been formed to provide an independent dermatologists' review of non-prescription skin care products (includes over-the-counter and other consumer products with skin care-related claims).
The objective of this program is to help consumers and medical professionals easily identify products that meet the panel's approval standards (as may be revised from time to time) and to encourage manufacturers to engage in more consumer and clinical skin care studies.
Working independently, each Reviewer will evaluate submissions by manufacturers to verify that there is acceptable scientific data to validate their product's claims. The Dermatology Review Panel's "Seal of Approval" will then be granted to approved products for a 3 year period pursuant and subject to the terms of the panel's Product Review and Certification Agreement (the "Agreement").
What's the Process?
Product Submission Form
Submit Your Product
When you submit your product submission form, supporting data and review fee, your product will go through a standardized review process by three reviewers from the panel.
Those results are tabulated and a final decision is rendered by the Board of Governors. The seal is available to all products that meet the criteria set-out by the panel.
Developing a Promotional Plan
We Promote Your Product
A promotional plan will be implemented in order to help educate consumers and create awareness.
This includes a website (English and French) that explains the purpose of the review process and the seal and provides a list of approved products and the claims that were reviewed.
The Seal is Granted
The DRP Seal of Approval
Upon approval and receipt of the licence fee, you will receive a high resolution "Seal of Approval" for use on your product's packaging, advertisements and any other promotional vehicles within Canada. Once granted, your Seal will be valid for a 3 year licensing period, subject to the terms of the Agreement. Each product is subject to an annual licensing fee.
After 3 Year Licensing Period
Resubmission of the Application
After the 3 year licensing period, resubmission of the application and data is required. This is to ensure that your product still meets the standards of the Dermatology Review Panel and to review any additional information that has become available. If there are any changes to your product during the 3 year licensing agreement, a new submission is required.
Dermatology Review Panel is a division of DRP Dermatology Inc.